THE SAPPHIRE DRAGON’S MISSING MATE by Lorelei M. Hart I always felt like something was missing in my life… I never guessed it would be two brothers. I am the lucky one. Everyone says so. My otter bevy took me in when no one else would, I have two adopted parents who love me, and a degree [...]
THE DRAGON, THE BEAR, AND THEIR SUGAR GLIDER OMEGA by Lorelei M. Hart and Wendy Rathbone Dragons don’t always lay eggs. Sometimes their sugar glider mate does. Alpha dragon shifter Rome is the failure of all dragons. His hoard is useless, he no longer has a flight, and he’s working not one, but two minimum wage jobs [...]
RUGGED ALPHA by Lorelei M. Hart Bjorn I walked into the wilderness one day, needing more space and air than this world could offer. Few bears survive the loss of a mate, and I couldn’t see why anyone would want to. Eventually, I started a wilderness and survival experience to teach people what to do in case of [...]
DELIVERED TO MY GARGOYLES by Mazzy J. March So I take a dare. As a “human” I have no real right to be looking for a “mate” on an app for shifters and other paranormal beings. But I never have been able to hold my liquor, which is why I rarely drink to excess. I am [...]
COLBY’S LOST BINKY by Della Cain and Kaytea Kat Colby lost his binky and found his new daddy. Once upon a time, I had it all—a daddy who loved me, a nursery filled with all the toys I could ever want, and a job that made a difference. Only my daddy didn’t love me—not really. When I catch [...]
NALA’S MATE by Anne Powell Have you ever felt stuck between two worlds? Wondering how to combine your desires with real-life expectations? Nala has. As part human and part werewolf, her life isn’t easy. Fighting against societal expectations of being a wolf and the desire to love a human? This means trouble. Available at AMAZON in ebook [...]
BREWING FOR MY MATE by Lorelei M. Hart I started the Oliver Creek Brew five years ago, before Oliver Creek went from sleepy and dying to a bustling, trendy town. I wait daily for my omega to walk right in and order a coffee. Perhaps I’ve been reading too many romance novels. I long for him, [...]
MINX by Mazzy J. March Minx: College? Dating? Fun? Not for this girl. I have a one-way ticket to the werewolf academy. Which is strange since I’m not fully convinced I’m a werewolf. Anyway, I thought the politically correct term was shifter. I haven’t sprouted fur, and my pink nails haven’t lengthened into claws. No cravings to run [...]
THE ALPHA HITMAN’S MATE by Lorelei M. Hart I thought I was protecting my mate when I let him begin his new life at the safe house. I only destroyed it— just like I do everything I touch. Letting my mate go is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it’s for the best. Being part [...]
THE WHIMSICAL WOLF’S ALPHAS by Lorelei M. Hart I need to protect my daughter. If that means mating a stranger… or two, so be it. When I lost my mate, leaving me a single father, my heart broke into a thousand pieces. The only thing that kept me going was our beautiful daughter, Mandy. I vowed to [...]