Posted by Paris Brandon on Mar 31st 2017
The holidays are behind us and many of us already have fond memories of family and friends gathering to wish everyone well and eating way too much. Our families are like small communities where we reminisce about the good old days and look forward to seeing the babies that are being born to those we remember as being babies. But what if you didn’t have any of that?
What if you had to hide who and what you really were? What if you had to be afraid of getting too close to someone for fear of them learning a secret that could get you killed? And what if the one place where you could reveal who you really were, was more dangerous than what you were hiding from? Would you accept help from someone you might be putting in harm’s way?
While humans are protective when it comes to our families, we’ve had centuries to civilize our true natures and that might be why romance readers love the idea of the primitive natures that comprise the shifter world of the Black Hills Wolves. I don’t think there is anything sexier than a protective mate and Gunnar Redmond, the hero of His to Protect, is a prime example.
Nothing in Luna’s experience prepares her for the heat Pack Protector, Gunnar Redmond unleashes but not everyone is happy about welcoming her home. Old wounds and secrets are revealed as danger closes in but anyone who wants to hurt Luna will have to go through Gunnar first.
Gunnar Redmond’s blood still raced from his morning run, and the female’s musky scent hit him doubly hard. The haggard white wolf had been running in a straight line since she’d hit the perimeter a few minutes ago. Nothing ran that hard unless something chased it, and he didn’t see or smell anything following her. Too soon to call a warning for something he could probably handle himself, the pack protector kept well behind his quarry. The third time she stumbled, his wolf reached for her, nearly stopping him in his tracks.
The urge to catch her before she fell surprised him. He breathed in her scent once more, finding her human nature had become much stronger and stank of a fear so fierce it permeated the crisp autumn air. She’d transformed. The scent grew stronger. His quarry had stopped, perhaps to get her bearings.
Every wolf in Los Lobos knew the location of the pack land boundaries.
She was obviously lost and confused.
Downwind and hidden by a small stand of trees, Gunnar crouched on the crest of a small hill. Naked and filthy, twigs and leaves riddled her tangled mess of dark hair that reached past her shoulders. Mud streaked her bare arms and legs. Her thin flanks trembled as she rubbed her hands up and down her arms and looked around. She might not be very tall, but her obvious curves left no doubt she was all woman.
His wolf whined.
If he waited any longer, his wolf was going to behave inappropriately. Knocking her down so he could clean her and show his obvious interest probably wouldn’t win him any points. He stood and unbuttoned his shirt as he walked down the short incline.
The wind shifted, and she lifted her nose, turned, and froze. Her dark eyes widened, and he scented the fear she tried to hide. His size intimidated most, but her gaze had locked on his fingers, still working his shirt buttons free, and it occurred to him what the situation must look like.
Nice going, dumbass.
He let his arms drop and sighed. “Did you know you were trespassing?”
Her shoulders slumped. She stared at him a moment, and her mouth worked in a silent effort that seemed to frustrate her. Finally, her words tumbled like so much static from a radio. “Am I in Los Lobos?”
Gunnar nodded, and a shaky smile quirked one corner of her mouth.
“My name is Luna Sinclair, and I beg sanctuary.”
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I hope you enjoy the excerpt and I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t hope that I’d intrigued you just a bit.
Happy Reading!
Paris Brandon
Bio: A member of Romance Writers of America and published since 2009, Paris writes contemporary, paranormal, erotic and historical romance, throwing in a little mystery and suspense for good measure. When not dreaming up stories featuring heroes who aren’t intimidated by strong heroines, she loves rummaging around antique stores for vintage clothes and jewelry. She lives in the mid-west with her husband of many years and is currently enjoying all of the period dramas on Netflix and wondering where she can find a hat that makes her look as stylish as Miss Phryne Fisher.
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