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By Dakota Trace
Growing up in a foster home in a small Midwest town, Sean Whitcomb planned from the day he'd turned sixteen to somehow escape. And he does, to the big city of Des Moines, at a law firm. Now up for a shot at a partnership, he needs to deliver the goods, and it’s not what he thinks. No, it’s a family-style meal for the founding partners and their spouses. Which causes Sean a major issue, because not only is he a single gay man, but he can’t cook to save his life, and his boss is expecting a home-cooked meal—complete with a family, or there will be no partnership offer.
In desperation, Sean turns to the man he left behind in his pursuit of the golden ring, Isaiah Waterston. Not only is Isaiah hot enough to still turn Sean’s crank, but he’s also a world-class chef at one of the hottest eateries in town. Now all Sean has to do is convince the man he left behind to give him a single night of his time, prepare a mouth-watering meal, and pretend to be his lover for a few hours. Sounds easy, right? It is...until Isaiah attaches his own stipulation—an entire weekend with Sean at his mercy.